We had two celebrations combined into one last Sunday afternoon. Our grandson Keaton had 1st Communion and his Birthday Party. It was a very busy day for this handsome young man and his family.
Keaton is the second son of our youngest son, Jeffery. Did you get that? Keaton chose St. Sebastian, Patron Saint of athletes, because since his birth, Keaton has been our little sports man. In fact, anything with a ball associated with it has been his passion. I made a wall hanging for Keaton with part of the Prayer to St. Sebastian on it. As soon as I get it framed I'll post a photo of the finished product.

Tired and grumpy little sister,
I'm sure you noticed the missing tooth. Just had to get a photo of that famous toothless smile. If you knew his father when he was Keaton's age, you'll feel like you are seeing Jeff all over again.

OK, on to the Birthday Party!! Keaton was very much more impressed with the
BD presents than the 1st Communion ones. Can you imagine that?
In the tree is cousin Parker. Those boys LOVE to climb.