I decided it was time to change the mantle to something different. It was a changing scene for SEVERAL days. Papi never new what would be up there next. I believe this mirror was an auction find sometime ago. Not really sure, but I just shopped our collection, and there it was. Really like the shape.

While thrifting at Goodwill Outlet, recently, I spied this little Wedgwood vase. Of course, I grabbed it as quickly as I could. At .49 per pound, I figure it was worth the purchase. What do you think?

The doves have been stored for awhile and they told me they really wanted to be out where everyone could see them. I know that’s what they said.

The oil lamp belonged to my grandfather Wainscott. I was fortunate to purchase it at one of his auctions. I was told that he sold oil lamps before he and my grandmother were married. There was a hanging lamp that I REALLY wanted, but it was out of my price range. This lamp has already been promised to one of our grandchildren when we are finished with it.

I decided my grandfather Wainscott’s mantle clock should have a chance to actually be on a mantle for a change. My mother inherited the clock and for the past several years it has been on the top of a book shelf in her apartment. Soon my brothers and I will be dividing mothers things and I just thought the clock could have a place of honor on my mantle until that time.

The group of candles had been on the mantle, previously, and they just sort of stayed, giving some additional color. Everything has stayed the same for a few days now. Maybe I’m finished. Well, at least for a few days. Love the fact that I can always do something different if I feel like it.
Have a God filled Day
Linking to the following Linky Parties
Vintage Inspiration Friday http://commonground-debrasvintagedesigns.blogspot.com/2011/03/vintage-inspiration-friday-28-what-can.html

