First, I apologize for the fuzzy image, however, that was the best I could do. I think it was the surface that caused the blur. Anyway, this is my journal for the "Early Bird Christmas Crafting" challenge I have joined. I believe this will be a great tool for EARLY Christmas gift planning, at least I sure hope so. The small notebook has four sections and is only 4x6 so can easily be carried in my bag when shopping. I purchased it at the Dollar Tree for only $1. The card was a leftover from a previous year $0. I even used the inside of the card for the back of the journal because of the scripture, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" II Corinthians 9:15 NIV. This is to constantly remind me of that first Christmas Gift.
You will also note, my blog has changed to traditional Christmas colors. I tried to change the background too, but so far, the computer has won in that battle.
You might like to join "Early Bird Christmas Crafting", if so, just click on the sidebar button and you will be there. I've found some great gift ideas.
Have a God Filled Day