Over thirty years ago Papi's mother gave our family the cast iron Lamb Cake Mold that had belonged to his Grandma Newman. On several occasions Papi's mother made a lamb cake for the family Easter Dinner, and of course, all the grandchildren thought that was wonderful. I'm sorry to say, Grammy has not been as faithful making the lamb cakes for her grandchildren, but you never can tell what other family dinner he might join.
Christmas of 2008, our grandchildren were given a Christmas present that each one chose. They drew #'s and in that order they picked a family heirloom that they would like to own. Now, they have to wait until Papi and Grammy are finished with these items, but they know exactly what belongs to them. Right Grands? Keaton chose the Lamb Cake Mold.
Along with the Lamb Cake Mold, Papi's mother gave us cake and frosting recipes. Just in case you might be lucky enough to find a mold of your own, here are the recipes she found that worked best.